Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm sitting in the hotel room in my home town, Tucson. I traveled down to give my Papa Bill a love, because he's really sick and won't make it much longer. While I am down here I wanted to hit a meeting. I went online and found that there was only 2 meetings a week in Tucson. One of them was close at my grandma Sine's home ward. I took down the guys name and number to see if there happened to be any other meetings that weren't listed. When I visited my grandma she told me that her home teacher and visiting teacher were missionaries for the addiction recovery meetings. I asked her their name and it was the same I had written down. I asked her if she would like to go with me, and she said she would love it. I ate a lovely dinner she had prepared and then we picked up my brother Michael so he could join us. The meeting was really small- only one other person besides us and the missionaries. It was so great to meet them. They are so sweet to my grandma. We all took turns sharing, and even my grandma talked. She was saying that she still had things she needed to change about herself. The missionaries joked about how she was addicted to Nintendo! We were talking about step 3 and turning your will over to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

When the sister missionary talked she read a cool paragraph from Alice in Wonderland. Alice was speaking to the Cheshire cat about which road to take. He asked her where she was going and she said she was going in no particular direction. The cat then said to her that it didn't matter what road she took. It was a great analogy about the decisions we make in life.

I don't think any of this was a coincidence. So glad I had this opportunity!